Friday, September 14, 2007

The Misplaced Party Loyalty Of African-Americans

It is the Republican Party that has done the most to help African-American’s. The following quotations and history support that as fact:
“We love freedom more, vastly more, than slavery; consequently, we hope to keep clear of the Democrats”
--Joseph Rainey, Rep. South Carolina The first African-American to serve in the House of Representatives

”Every right that has been bestowed upon blacks was initiated by the Republican Party.”
--Mary Terrell Co-founder of the NAACP

It was Republicans that freed the slaves in Washington, DC. It was Sen. Henry Wilson (R) MA that introduced a bill to abolish slavery in the District. The bill was strongly opposed by the pro-slavery Democrat Party (referred to as the Slave-crats by Republicans).

Democrats used parliamentary procedures to block passage of the bill. It was only after many Democrat Congressmen resigned to fight for the South, that the bill was passed and signed into law by Abraham Lincoln on April 16, 1862.

One of the 3,100 freed by the Republican Party’s District of Columbia Emancipation Act was Philip Reid, who a year later supervised the casting of the bronze statue that stands atop the U.S. Capitol dome. The name of that statute is Freedom.

The same was true of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Lyndon Johnson wanted it passed. The Democrats supported by 62%, but a block of southern Democrats, led by Albert Gore threatened to filibuster the bill. However, 80% of the Republicans supported the bill. There were more than enough votes to override a filibuster and the bill was passed into law.
So the question is, “Why do African-American’s blindly vote at 90+% for the Democrat candidates for office?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this the truth?

I'm an African-American and never heard of this!

I will check it out.