Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Man Of Honor And The Pompus Jackasses

General Petreaus is a man of great integrity, a solder’s solder, admired and trusted by those who serve under his command, and respected by his fellow officers. Many say that he is the best General that we have. He has served his nation with honor for more than 35 years. He is truly a man of honor.

On September 10 General Petreaus testified before the House.

On September 11 he again testified before the Senate.

Instead of thanking this man for his service to the nation, they attempted to bring him down to their level.

On both occasions he was shamelessly attacked by those invested in losing the War in Iraq. He was attacked by those that have no integrity and don’t know how to behave in the presence of an honorable man like the general.

Democrats that would not know the truth if it bit them, had the audacity to call the General a liar, a pawn of George W. Bush, and worse. Liberals shamed themselves, their nation and the people that elected them. They in fact, lived up to their party symbol, the JACKASS!

And it was blatantly clear that no one was going to out Jackass Hilary! She demonstrated that she can roll in manure with best of them. Of course she also demonstrated that she is not much of a human being. Obama ran a feeble second.

They all did the bidding of their master,

Isn’t it interesting how close Ben Ladin’s recent video meshes with Democrat talking points? One has to wonder who is doing who’s bidding. Clearly, both have the same goals.

Liberals made it clear that they can only accept defeat in Iraq. They don’t give a damn about the future of the United States, as long as they have the power to screw it up now!

You almost expected them to blurt out, “George Bush must be defeated—praise be to Allah.”

You saw the American Taliban at their worst. Let us hope that they reap what they have sown.


Anonymous said...

I was so shamed by how they treated this great man that I cried.

If Clinton becomes President, I would not be surprised to see a mass exodus from the military. What men or women of honor would willingly serve under her?

Anonymous said...

I watched the entire House hearing, and most of the Senate's hearing.

It was pure politics, plain and simple.

The General had to say what Democrat's did not want to hear. The Democrat's surrendered in Vietnam and they are shamed. Heaven forbid we should win this one.

We have to vote the SOB's out. That is if 15 million illegal voters will allow it!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Democrat and was embarrassed by the despicable behavior of the Left.