Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Poem--The Spirit of America

The Spirit of America

I am America and no one can harm me.
Yes, you can destroy my buildings, yes, you can break my bones,
Yes, you can kill my flesh, but still you can not harm me.
For I am more than this
I am the spirit of hope, I am the spirit of opportunity,
I am the spirit of humanity, I am the spirit of independence,
I am the spirit of freedom, I am the spirit of peace,
I am the spirit of America.

I am America and no one can harm me.
I am not a place, I am not a people,
I am not a building, I am not a way of life,
I am all of these and more.
I am an ideal first formulated in the
Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776
I am the beacon of Hope for the entire Earth
I am the Spirit of America.

I am America and no one can harm me.
Yes, you can destroy my buildings,
But these are only symbols, perhaps even monuments
To the success of a free people, living in a free land
Oh yes, the people will shed some tears, they may
Light many candles, and say prayers, hand in hand.
But do not think this a weakness or sign of defeat.
It is a sign of unity, resolve, and faith.
I am the Spirit of America.

I am America and no one can harm me.
Yes, you can break my bones, you can shed my blood,
You can kill my flesh, but you can not harm me.
If I have no Army, if I have no sword, you have not won!
For so long as one person anywhere on this planet
Yearns to be free -- I live on!
I am the Hope of the World
I am the Right I am the Good
I can not be broken, you can do me no harm
I am the Spirit of America

I am America and no evil, past or future can harm me
For I am greater than any land, or building or man,
For I am none of these, yet all of these.
The more you try to harm me, the stronger I become
I am the Spirit of America, a gift from God to man.
John J. Kodak
September 13, 2001
Reprinted with permission of the author


Anonymous said...

Very nice

Sarah said...

It made cry! Beautiful!