Friday, July 20, 2007

It's All About Reelection

With few exceptions, as soon as a Congressman takes his/her first oath of office everything becomes focused on reelection.

The goal is to make as many voters as possible think you are doing good things and do nothing at all to offend a single voter.

As a result the title of a Bill is more important that the content of the Bill. After all, the vast majority of voters will never hear anything but the title. The Bills title often has little to do with the real purpose of the Bill.

In truth most all Bills have unexpected consequences because Congress does not care enough to do their job and think things through.

Congress avoids an Energy Policy because they are afraid of offending the environmentalists. As a result, we have large oil reserves both onshore and offshore that go untapped while OPEC gets rich. Some OPEC dollars feed the coffers of our enemies. We need to stop this bleeding of America. But instead Congress sentences thousands of men, women and children to death with unreal CAFÉ standards.

Coal/Natural Gas to Liquid Fuels is a proven concept that can solve all the problems very quickly. But the environmentalists don't like coal or natural gas.

Congress will not tackle the problems of Social Security and Medicare because Congress fears the AARP.

The list goes on—Unfortunately, so does Congress!


Anonymous said...

Americans with Disabilities is a good example.

I agree with this point of view 100%

Anonymous said...

Right on!

Anonymous said...

WV Hillbilly,

Yes ADA generated a bunch of very stupid law suits and decisions.

Anonymous said...

Probably why that damn bridge fell down.

Every state gets plenty of highway dollars.

In my state a lot of it goes to bicycle paths and parks.