Wednesday, August 8, 2007

This Congress Is Driven By Hate, Lust, & Fear!

This Congress is driven by Hate, the Lust for Power, and Fear!

The Democrats that currently control Congress hate George W. Bush, the Military, and to some degree America itself. As a result they are attempting to force a loss of the War on Terrorism. You can rest assured that no matter what happens in Iraq between now and September, it will not be enough to satisfy them. Liberals are heavily invested in a loss and they cannot allow a victory. Should we win the war, their seven year investment in false attacks on the Bush administration will have been proven to be the big lie, that it is. They fear that a victory will cost the Democrat’s the White House.

Their lust for power is reflected not only in the lies about the administration, but in their efforts to grant amnesty to illegal aliens which they plan to have voting in several conservative states by 2008. As they see it, gaining just Texas, will be sufficient to guarantee all future Presidential elections are won by the Democrat candidate. But they plan on illegal aliens to give them five additional states. If you doubt that illegal aliens are voting, several studies indicate that elections in California, Texas, and Florida have been determined by votes cast by illegal aliens.

Their lust for power has been very harmful to the nation and is expected to cause much more harm in the future.

In their efforts to destroy G.W. Bush, Liberal’s have called for and are trying to force enemy combatants to be tried in US Courts. The circumstances under which these people were captured cannot (and never will) meet the requirements of a civilian US Court. Therefore, all of these enemy combatants will be released. It is conceivable that under US Law, they may be released in the USA.

The Congressional effort to grant blanket amnesty to illegal aliens went down in flames due to the demand of millions of American voters. Amnesty was backed by nearly all Democrats and several Republicans, apparently out of fear that they would be seen as offending the illegals. In spite of what was clearly the largest display of public outrage with Congress, they are still attempting to grant full amnesty via backdoor riders on things like appropriations bills. So far, guaranteed ‘Food Stamps’, and ‘Healthcare’ for those under 25 are in the works. And the Senate is talking about blanket ‘Green Cards’ for ALL illegal aliens.

During the 2006 election cycle, the Democrats accused the Republicans of selling out to special interest groups. In fact the Democrats kiss butt when it comes to the Environmental lobby. They will do nothing to offend a single environmentalist out of fear that they might lose a vote.

As a result, we have a totally idiotic emphasis on Ethanol which has already and continues to increase the cost of nearly all foods, and will cause inflation. Ethanol has a marginal improvement on pollution, and requires 77% as much energy to produce as it will provide. Ethanol is being heavily underwritten with your tax dollars. Furthermore, Ethanol cannot be distributed via the existing infrastructure.

Everyone agrees that we need to remove ourselves from dependence on a very unreliable OPEC. But Congress fails, and fails, and fails to act.

The United States has proven oil reserves in excess of 2-Trillion Barrels. This is far more oil than all of the OPEC nations, combined. (search Colorado Oil) and enough for our requirements for the next 200 years. But Congress blocks the utilization of those reserves at every opportunity, because the environmentalists oppose fossil fuels and drilling. Oil may not be our long term solution, but it will be needed for at least another 25 years. Does it make sense to continue sending billions of dollars to OPEC?

Then there is the conversion of coal and natural gas to liquid fuels (CTF). Again we have reserves that can supply us for far more that the next 200 years. Diesel and Jet Fuels produced by this process burn far cleaner that those from petroleum. Gasoline produced from coal/natural gas also burns cleaner than that produced from petroleum. These products are suited for distribution via the existing infrastructure. CTF is clearly a plus-plus solution to our energy needs. It is home grown and reduces pollution. But Congress blocks the utilization of this resource because the environmentalists oppose fossil fuels and mining.

It is time to send Congress a message as to whom they need to fear.


Wax Frog said...

I've never been much for political commentary, but with the host's indulgence may I scratch one particular itch?

Is it just me, or is Nancy Pelosi a walking advertisement for the risks of Botox use?

Anonymous said...

We need to raise, as one unified group, as we did with Amnesty.

Congress needs to learn that we have more votes than all the tree huging groups combined.

They need to act or be sent home.

Anonymous said...

In the election of 2006, I was very unhappy with the Congress. My view was to just vote them all out of office. I like many of my friends just wanted a change.

What a disaster that turned out to be. We got change. It has turned out to be a far worse Congress that exhibits nothing but hate. Hate for the President, the Army, and the American people.

I just hope that 2008, they have not taken the nation to a point from which it cannot be saved.

The Dam's lied about everything, and so did ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN. I will never rely on them again!

Anonymous said...

We have a better system here in France.

When the National Assembly passes a law that you don't like, you go to the streets and set two cars on fire.

The next day, the National Assembly repeals that law.

Works well if it is not your car that burns.

Anonymous said...

I've been a Democrat from my college days ('70's)at Yale.

It seems to me that Zel Miller was right--the Party has left me.

What you say explains what is happening as well as any other explanation I have heard.


Anonymous said...
