Saturday, October 6, 2007

Stupid Is As Stupid Does—Dr. James Dobson & Evangelical Christians

Dr. Dobson (Founder and Chairman of Focus on the Family) has said that if Republicans don’t nominate a candidate that is acceptable to Evangelical Christians, that they will run a third party candidate.

They understand that this action will guarantee a Democrat win, but they wish to “punish” the Republicans.

The Evangelical Christians demand that the candidate that they will support must be as a minimum:
…..Anti-Roe v. Wade
…..Anti-Same sex marriage
…..Anti-Embryonic Stem Cell Research
…..Anti-Pro-Sex Education

Just so everyone understands, if Evangelical Christians don’t get a candidate that meets all of the above requirements, they will guarantee the victory of an administration that will:

.....Appoint At Least Two Liberal Judges to The Supreme Court
….Grant Amnesty to 20-million Illegal Aliens
…..Expand Federal Funding For Abortions
…..Legalize Partial Birth Abortion
…..Expand Homosexual Rights
…..Legalize Same-Sex Marriage
…..Federal Fund Embryonic Stem Cell Research
…..Destroy The Health System
…..Grant Bill of Rights Protection to Terrorist and Enemy Combatants

So Dr. Dobson and his cronies are willing to concede permanent losses in ALL the areas that they fight for, and perhaps destroy a nation to punish the Republican Party.

I ask you, how stupid can well intentioned people get?

Not much more stupid than this! And you can bet your paycheck on that!


Anonymous said...

It is this kind of thinking that gave us the current Congress.

Conservatives wanted to punish Republicans for failing to curb spending, seal the borders, and enact legislation.

As a result they either voted for Democrat candidates or as happened most often, did not vote at all.

This gave us a Congress that--

-- holds meaningless hearings that serve no purpose other than misguided attempts to "embarrass" the President.

--wants open borders and amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrants.

--wants to break the bank with pork barrel spending.

--want to silent conservative talk radio.

-- wants to surrender the War on Terror.

Yeah, lets punish the Republicans, it has worked so well.

Anonymous said...

Remember when parents used to punish their children and say, "This hurts me more than it hurts you?"

After the "punishment" election of 2006, I think we all understand that feeling.

And we are reminded on a daily basis as the current joke of a Congress stumbles along and does nothing good for the nation.

We have gone from a Congress that was accused of being corrupt to a Congress that is absolutely corrupt. One in which the likes of John Murtha pays off his supporters with Billions of "Earmarked" tax payer dollars

Anonymous said...

Dobson opposes things that should be between people and their deity. Dobson's a radical Christian evangelical much like radical Islamics who wish to impose their religious doctrine and ancient culture on everyone.

Legislation and law enforcement never solve social problems. The law of supply and demand will never be stopped by a government--it's the law. Prohibition just creates lucrative black markets.

And the anti-science perspective is highly destructive and glorifies ignorance.

Most Christians view Dobson as a hysterical, strident extremist, a view with which I, for one, agree.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous seems rather limited in his outlook, don't you think?

There is always another side to things.

Hiring a hit-man is a supply and demand enterprise, but certainly the government should make every effort to stop it.

In fact, the state should punish and try to prevent all murder. That begs the question; What is murder?
And that is the rub isn't it?