Monday, April 21, 2008

Congress' Crimes Against Humanity

In the past, when world organizations like the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), and others of that ilk accused the United States of wrong doing you could ignore the claims for the garbage that they were.

Not this time! The organizations listed above and several others are accusing the United States and several other countries of crimes against humanity.

Are they speaking of war crimes? NO!

They are referring to Bio-fuels. That is correct; they are speaking of corn to Ethanol and other bio-mass conversion to fuels!

Just as we have been telling our readers for months, the mindless and spineless U.S. Congress has put the wheels in motion with an Energy Policy that will result in disaster for both U.S. and the World!. Their policy is leading to world-wide food shortages.

Today the UN and WHO pointed directly at Bio-Fuels as the major cause of food shortages and the rapidly rising food costs which are driving the world’s poor to famine.

The UN predicted that there will be massive starvation and probably wars as a result of insane goals of replacing carbon based fuels with Bio-Fuels.

All in the name of the scam religion known as “Global Warming”

The preponderance of evidence demonstrates that man-make Global Warming is a farce.
Absolutely none of the claims made by the “Church of Global Warming” and their “High Priest” Albert Gore hold up to scrutiny. Literally, thousands of real climatologist’s and meteorologist’s are on record refuting all such claims. We have posted several earlier articles which contain specific references and sources that support the argument that man-made Global Warming is a scam. NASA’s latest report on climate states that the world’s temperature has been unchanged over the past 10 ears.

An important truth that is being ignored is that Bio-Fuels are actually increasing pollution and so called Greenhouse emissions..

We can’t expect this Congress to correct the situation. They clearly don’t care about what the general electorate thinks or wants. They fear the idiotic environmentalist groups and therefore kiss up to them.

They don’t seem to care if CAFÉ standards kill 6000 American’s each year, and don’t seem to care if they kill millions through starvation.

The entire House of Representatives and 1/3 of the Senate are up for election next November.

A few months back, we sent these fools a message on amnesty. They listened!

They will listen again if we let them know that failure to fix their mess is not an option!


Anonymous said...

Congress, mindless & spineless? Surely you jest! NOT!

Good point about the complete house and the Senators being up for elcetion in November. People may tend to overlook that with all the hullaballo being raised by Clinton and Obama and their fighting.
You can find all sorts of interesting information about the members of Congress at:

most of it will be financial/donations/funds raised but they tell how much, when, from who etc.

Give a look, you may be surprised.
We may elect McCain President but if we don't pick up enough votes in Congress we will have gridlock.


Anonymous said...

As you have so often pointed out--

Congress doesn't care about unexpected consequences. They only care about votes gained because of what people think about any bill.

If millions die, Reed and Pelosi will lie and blame others for the wrong doings of Congress under their failed leadership. Just as they always do.

Just as it is big oils fault that we don't have new sources of energy.

The Democrats have had control of both houses for less than two years and they have mucked up everything--but they blame Bush.

The only change that I want is to get new people in Congress. Hopefully some with IQ's higher than single digit.