Monday, April 14, 2008

The Myth Of An Energy Policy!

Any claim that the U.S. has an energy policy is a myth. Leading experts say that the current alternative energy sources are incapable of meeting even minimal energy needs. Wind power, according to the experts, will never provide more than 1% of the nations energy needs. Solar energy is at a similar level. Ethanol is only slightly better by meeting a maximum of 6%. All other sources of Ethanol will add only a few percent.

In addition, the production of Ethanol causes large amounts of pollution. The energy gain is at best minimal. Yet we are pouring Billions of dollars down the drain by subsidizing corn farmers and Ethanol distillers.

It is clear that Congress has only one goal when they enact new legislation. They want to end the use of fossil based fuels in the United States. They don’t seem to care if there is an alternative fuel, nor do they seem to care that in the meantime we are forced to bow to OPEC

The truth is, there is currently only one viable alternative to fossil based energy, and that alternative is nuclear energy. An expanded use of pollution free nuclear power for the generating of electricity would have a major impact on our need for fossil fuels. No nuclear power plants have been brought on line in more than 20 years. Congress is largely to blame for this. NIMBY (not in my backyard) is the second major road block to new nuclear power plants. Congress could go along way at removing both of these obstacles with proper legislation. Don’t hold your breath.

Will an alternative viable fuel source be found? In truth, no one knows if or when. In the meantime, we need to meet the real needs of our nation.

What about “Global Warming”? According to several institutions, including NASA and NOAA, the earth’s temperature has been unchanged since 1998. For every alleged scientist that supports Al Gore’s claims of global warming, there are more than 100 real scientists that argue that the concept of global warming is a scam. Gore won’t debate global warming because his arguments don’t holdup to scrutiny. It is not being argued that we do not need to keep pollution at a practical minimum, but we need policies based on factual science and not liberal hysteria.

The facts are that there are nearly 3 trillion barrels of confirmed oil reserves in the United States. Unfortunately, most of it is under lands/waters which are under control of the Federal government and therefore under the control of Congress.

We also have enormous reserves of coal. Unfortunately, much of the coal being mined here is being exported, because our environmental regulations prevent most uses of coal in the U.S.

We need an energy policy that allows for the recovery of oil from all of our own reserves, changes in regulations that prevent the construction of new refineries, reduction or elimination of designer blends, and an end to forced ethanol fuels.

The U.S. Air Force is converting to Synfuels which are manufactured from Coal or Natural Gas. The other services will be converting as well. Their testing has shown that the Synfuels burn much cleaner than petroleum based fuels, cause less engine wear, and produces more energy / gallon.

We could actually exceed the Kyoto standards without wreaking the economy and without killing thousands of Americans with sub-compact CAFÉ mandated automobiles.

The only thing preventing a solution to our energy needs is Congress.

The three Presidential candidates express support for the Global Warming scam, but that should not surprise anyone after all they are all members of the Mindless and Spineless Congress.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sounds about right to me!


Anonymous said...

Perhaps we should redirect our military to eradicate the enemy we have here at home--The United States Congress.

They are certainly more harmful than al Qaeda.