Monday, April 28, 2008

'Wrong Way' John!

Last Thursday the polls were showing John McCain leading in head to head contests with either Democrat candidate.

Then McCain attacked George W. Bush over the perceived mishandling of Federal assistance after Katrina.

Later he attacked North Carolinians over a proposed campaign ad in their Governor's race.

Weekend polls now show that McCain trails both Barack and Hillary by 10 points.

This blog normally receives2 to 6 emails per day. On Friday and Saturday we received nearly 200; all condemning John McCain's attacks on Bush and about a dozen inviting him to stay out of North Carolina.

Who does 'Wrong Way' John think is going to vote for him after he succeeds in pissing-off the entire Republican base?


Anonymous said...

He sure got under my skin!

Anonymous said...

You got that one RIGHT but McCain got some bad advise from his handlers. That was a monumental screwup. Not one that can't be overcome but not one that helped anything.


Anonymous said...

Fortunately, Obama is being undermined by Wright. He might be too badly damaged to beat anyone, including McCain

Anonymous said...

I will bet you a steak dinner that if Obama gets elected --

You will by the end of his first 2 years, rue the day you supported him