Saturday, May 10, 2008

2008 Is Ripe For Third Party Victory

A third party could easily win the White House in November! And they could do so with a near zero budget.

The trick would be to get their candidate on all 50 states ballots with as little fanfare as is possible. That is correct, the less the candidate is promoted the better his/her chances of winning.

The plot is to form a party with a very benign name, like ‘No Name’, ‘Non-Partisan’, or ‘Blank”.

The candidate would change his/her name to ‘None Ofthe Above’.

This is guaranteed to capture more than 50% of the total votes cast in 2008.


Anonymous said...

I would vote for "None Ofthe Above"

Anonymous said...

Talk about sending a message!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm ready!

Anonymous said...

I still maintain it is NOT the people who vote that elect a candidate to office, IT'S THE PEOPLE WHO DON'T VOTE!


Anonymous said...

While this post was somewhat tongue-in-check to spoof the feelings I hear from many voters. We are not talking of not voting--which admittedly is bad.

We are talking of voting for a real candidate that by virtue of his name become the viable candidate.

When it comes to voting I agree with the Great T J (Thomas Jefferson).:

Only those invested enough to know the quality of the office seeker should be allowed to vote.

Jefferson was not an advocate of one-man-one vote. He wanted land owners, business owners; those with a vested interest in the results to vote. Those on the dole would not be voters! If the framers had headed his arguments, we would be much better off today!

Anonymous said...

That is funny!

Like all good hummor, it is funny because there is more than an element of truth in it!