Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fixing Failure With Failure!

Congress is responsible for all or nearly all of the major problems we face.

First they create a problem and then create further problems when they attempt to fix the original problem. History tells us that every attempt by Congress to “fix” their problems only makes matters worse.

Example I
Congress decided that “the poor” could not purchase homes.

The “cure” was to enact The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, which was strengthened during Clinton and Bush administrations. This law, through mandates and intimidation, forced banks and thrifts to make so-called "no doc" and "liar" loans to customers who had very limited ability to pay them back. Monetary expansion by the Federal Reserve Bank, contributing to the housing bubble, encouraged lending institutions to take risks they otherwise would not have taken.

As you see, Congress created the subprime crisis and now Congress proposes “fixes” such as foreclosure holidays, bailouts and further regulation of financial institutions, to the problems they created. All the while Congress is blaming the lending institutions.

Example II
At the behest of the Environmental Extremist, Congress created our energy problem. They prevented and continue to prevent oil and gas exploration in a tiny area of the vast Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. In a 2002 report, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated, this field alone would increase our domestic oil reserves by 50 percent. In addition, vast oil sources under and near the Rocky Mountains, and enormous offshore reserves of oil and natural gas are placed off limits by Congress. energy sources of oil have also been placed off limits by Congress.

Onerous regulations, created largely by Congress have prevented the construction of new refineries, expanded use of Nuclear energy, and any large scale conversion of coal to liquid fuels.

Congress' answer to the energy problems was to enact the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 that mandates the use ethanol mixed with gasoline. Any thinking person would have realized that diverting crops from food to fuel use would raise the prices corn-related foods, such as meat, eggs, and milk. Again, a thinking person would have expected that other crops would become scarce and expensive as farmers converted their acreage to subsidized corn. According to a Purdue University, the ethanol program has cost $15 billion in higher food costs in 2007 and it will be far higher in 2008. The higher food prices, resulting from biofuels industry, have had international consequences as seen in the food riots all over the world. The WHO predicts that the shortages and high costs as a result of biofuels will cause famine in the near future.
Congress' "fixes" to the energy and food mess, which they created, appears to be a “windfall” profits tax on oil companies, a gasoline “tax holiday” for the summer, increases in the “food stamp” program and “foreign food aid”. Rather than fix the problem, Congress chooses to blame the oil producers and pass the cost of their failure on to the American tax payers. Congress’ “fixes” will only create new problems.

In keeping with their policy of never accepting any blame, Congress continues to blame “Big Oil” for the energy problems. Neither Congress nor the MSM mention that big oll companies have over the past 20 years, invested more than $100 billion dollars researching ‘alternative’ fuels.

Americans are and should be angry about high energy and food costs. Congress wants you to blame anyone but them.

Until the voters understand that it is Congress that is mucking things up, and votes accordingly, Congress will get away with blaming others for their failures.


Anonymous said...

It is a wonder that they don't blame their failures on the people that elected them.

Oh, my! That would be the truth, wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

I just love watching Congressional hearings!

They call in business leaders and treat them as crooks; all in an effort to direct the blame at the victims of Congressional failure.

What a bunch of losers they really are!

Anonymous said...

1) Don't investigate the candidate before voting
2)The voters who don't vote

Congress has a mentality of "throw money at it and it will go away" unfortunately it's OUR money they throw and it does not work!


Anonymous said...

for some reason the first line of my message got "lost".

The message should read:

The first failure is with the voters because:

1) Don't investigate the candidate before voting
2)The voters who don't vote

Congress has a mentality of "throw money at it and it will go away" unfortunately it's OUR money they throw and it does not work!


Anonymous said...

We would be better off if ALL they did was through money at it.

Unfortunately, they tie the money to very stupid and harmful policies.