Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Lesser Of Fools!

The November Presidential election will be between Democrat Barack Obama and the RINO, John McCain.

Whoever wins, we will have for all practical purposes, a Democrat President.

The only differences between the two is that Obama wishes to redeploy the war on terrorism back to America, McCain does not, and John McCain says that he will appoint pro-Constitution judges. While Barack Obama has stated that he will appoint activist judges.

Those are two major points and should be sufficient to guarantee the election.

However, voters are wondering aloud, “Can we trust a President McCain anymore than we could trust a Senator McCain?”

Senator McCain has a history of ‘compromising’ with Democrats on nearly very issue. Unfortunately, McCain ‘compromise’ is always a complete sell out and complete agreement with the opposition’s point of view.

Most recently Senator McCain drank the Kool-Ade of the church of Global Warming. As a result, he says that he will oppose the use of our domestic oil and coal to alleviate America’s dependence on OPEC imports. He will support the emissions regulations that are designed to shutdown U.S. industries, and he will push for alternative energy automobiles, even when the alternative energy technology does not exist.

In spite of the claims of MSM, most Americans do NOT want a surrender to terrorist, and at least one half of all Americans do not want activist judges shredding the Constitution.

We are stuck with voting for the lesser of two fools!

One fool, and his wife, hates America. He will bankrupt the nation with a multi-trillion dollar healthcare program and education programs, will bring the war back to American soil, will wreck the Constitution, and in his own words, will work to disarm us. In addition, this fool has virtually no experiences that would qualify him for the office of President.

The other fool will not, he tells us, bring the war home and will not appoint activist judges. We have no idea what he really plans on healthcare or education. He certainly has far more experience that would qualify him to be President. He is said to be a man of principles, the question is whose principles.

If you can trust McCain to stand firm on any issue, he is the only choice.

However, that is a BIG IF!!


Anonymous said...

Am I alone, or do others have the feeling that neither party wants to win?

At least judging from the quality (or lack there of) of the two candidates.

Anonymous said...

McCain was NOT my first choice nor my second choice but now he is my choice. I am well aware of his past record which, to a Conservative is certainly against what our beliefs are in some ares.
Hwoever, in addition to be a Conservative, I am also a realist and combing the two I cannot find another candidate who has a chance of beating the Democrats in addition to saving the country.


Anonymous said...

As all my posting on the matter indicate, I see McCain as the only possible choice.

Having said that, I still don't trust him to carry through on anything.

There is nothing that he won't compromise.