Thursday, September 4, 2008

Biden Linked To Rezko

In another story buried by the mainstream media, we learn that Joe Biden has been linked to Tony Rezko, the same criminal that cut deals for and with Barack Hussein Obama,

Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., brings to Obama's presidential campaign assets like foreign policy experience and a knowledge of Washington. But he also brings another tie to the Antoin "Tony" Rezko scandal, a mess that has already caused sizeable headaches for the Obama campaign.

Chicago lawyer and onetime mega-fundraiser Joseph Cari has advised Biden and his campaigns on and off since 1984, serving in posts as varied as a Senate adviser on crime to the Midwest Political Director for Biden's aborted 1987 presidential bid. In 2005 Cari helped arrange private meetings for Biden with potential supporters, as the senator explored another run for the White House. He has also worked to raise money for Biden .

Read full article Here!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Oback and Joe were birds of a feather before they were an item!

Why am I not suprised?