Monday, December 20, 2010

Magic Moment: Red Skelton Teaches "The Pledge Of Allegiance"

On January 14, 1969, while performing live on THE RED SKELTON HOUR, CBS TV, Red touched the hearts of millions of Americans with his "Pledge Of Allegiance", in which he explained the meaning of each and every word.

Red's "Pledge" has, on several occasions, been read into the Congressional Record of the United States and has also received numerous awards.

Every American, school child and adult should watch this video and from time to time watch it again.

Click to view video

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1 comment:

Sara B said...

I’m revealing my age, but I was watching Red’s show when he performed the “Pledge” for the first time. It was very moving then, as it should be now.

Every member of Congress should have to watch this video every day, before he or she casts the first vote. Not many of them either know or understand the message set forth in the Pledge of Allegiance.