Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Labrador, Real; What Minnick and Sali Could Never Be

Note: The following does not add much to the "Fast & Furious" discussion, it does however, reflect on how effective a freshman Congressman can be if he/she has the guts to take a stand - WD

By: Idaho Conservative Blogger  (ICB)
Last week Idaho Rep. Raul Labrador Called on Attorney General Holder to resign over the Fast and Furious debacle and the national media went wild.

Kevin Richert wrote in the Idaho Statesman, “Not bad for a freshman lawmaker from Idaho? No. Pretty remarkable for a freshman lawmaker from Idaho. And it shows that Labrador has the keenest political instinct of any elected official in Idaho. I’m not calling Labrador a natural. But he’s close.”
In September Labrador told me of Holder and Fast in Furious, “It’s impossible that something of this magnitude that needed to go through the Attorney General’s office, it’s impossible that he didn’t know in my opinion.”

He went further last week saying Holder was, “either lying to grossly incompetent”

Richert said in that same article that, “Minnick was in the majority, but consistently tried to distance himself from Obama and then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.” I will take it a step further, Minnick tried to walk the blue dog line too close and his liberal colors showed through. When he tried to distance himself publicly he looked unsure, weak, and unreal.

Richert said, “Sali was given to flakiness and abrasiveness.” No doubt Sali’s mouth was his biggest weakness. His new power as a Congressman seemed to go to his head and his mouth was right with it. Sali seemed to only make the news when he said a major gaffe and had to explain himself.

Niehter Minnick or Sali seemed to come across as “real” or genuine. That is what makes Labrador so refreshing. No one can say Labrador isn’t real or genuine and he is picking his battles wisely and Idahoans and the media are noticing. He doesn’t pander to the media and when he engages the media he holds his ground and has proven he can spar with the best of them.

In almost every way Labrador is the Politician Minnick and Sali could never be.

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