A commentary on the Failings/Successes of Congress and the Administration, and Other Issues of Interest!
-- Mindless & Spineless is in reference to the majority of House and Senate members!
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Ain't It The Truth!
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Bernieof ChiTown
I see it everyday 24/7.
At least 90% of what we see on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and even so called "entertainment" programs are left-wing propaganda.
I see it everyday 24/7.
At least 90% of what we see on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and even so called "entertainment" programs are left-wing propaganda.
It reminds me of "NEWS" in the former USSR.
The only difference is that those Russian reporters had a gun to their heads.
The American version actually believe that a Marxist government would be better for all of us.
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