Thursday, January 24, 2008

The True Racists Have Shown Their Colors

On September 14, 2007, we posted an article which questioned why African-Americans blindly vote for the Democrat party when it was the Democrats that attempted to block every important bit of legislation from the freedom of the slave to the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

For years the accusations were that it is Republicans that are racists, but it was the Democrats that have destroyed the nuclear black family with their welfare policy. It is the Democrats that maintain policies which prevent black children from getting a quality education, and it is Democrat policy which keeps them trapped in the ghetto.

Now it is Hillary and Bill Clinton that are playing the race card to discredit Barack Obama, the first African-American to make a legitimate bid to be President of the United States.

I’m not endorsing Obama. I think that he is a terrible choice for President, as are his two challengers. But his fault is not in the color of his skin, as Bill and Hillary would have you believe, but in the color of his experience (GREEN) and his faulty views on world affairs.

The Clinton’s and their allies (henchmen) deny playing the race card, but it was not by accident that phrases like “Didn’t do his “Spade work”, and he was “Shuch’n an Jive’n” were slipped into the speeches. You may rest assured that Bill, Hillary, and friends would not have played the race card unless they knew that there were a lot of other racists in their party.

After Hillary looses in South Carolina, they will again play the race card. This time to ‘scare’ bigoted white Democrats into voting to stop 'the black movement that is taking over the party by supporting Sen. Obama as a voting block'.

We thought, we hoped, and we prayed that politics of hate and bigotry were behind us, but the Democrat party of the Clinton’s thinks otherwise.


Anonymous said...

A claim of politics of hate and bigotry is playing the race card not Bill's comments. The Black Community as a whole has not made that claim and it is only theirs to make.

Anonymous said...

M & S:
You have hit the nail on the head once more. Bill Clinton, "the nation's first black President" is sticking it to the black who once thought he could do no wrong.
I too am not an Obama supporter but I am not against Obama because he is black, I am agaisnt Obama because he is Obama! In fact if he stays in government, he may well be President in 12 to 16 years. His idea of change is everybody fopllow me to the left and I just don't think that's RIGHT!

Your comments are important and as a black conserbative you are probably very scary to Al Sharpton and his crew. Who made him THE spokesperson for the entire African-American population of the USA? I don't recall any election, appointment or announcement about that except his own actions.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting that white folks can't tell if something is offensive to black folks and yet if your conservative your supposed to be sensitive to every remote possibility as to what might be offensive. Seems a bit odd to me.

That's probably the main reason other than fools are liberal--no one cares what you say or due--even under a desk in an oval office.