Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Air Force Is Using The Fuel Of Tomorrow

The fuel of tomorrow is here. It has been tested. It is GREEN and it is relatively cheap. This wonder fuel will work in our current automobiles, trucks, trains, aircraft, and power generation plants.

The U.S. Air Force consumes about 2.6 Billion gallons of petroleum based fuels each year. They realized that if they are to do their job, a reliable, domestic fuel was needed.

Clearly, the Congress, being blessed with infinite stupidity, was not going to allow the use of our vast domestic petroleum reserves, so other sources were needed. The Air Force decided to evaluate synthetic fuels (synfuels) that could be produced from natural gas and/or coal. The U.S. has enough coal to meet our energy needs for more than 200 years. So it could solve the energy needs well into the future. According to the Air Force, the test results have been great.

The first large scale testing was preformed using a B-52 bomber. The B-52 was an excellent test vehicle because it has eight engines. A B-52 was modified so that some engine would run on Synfuel while the bulk of the engines remained on regular jet fuel (JP8).

On that first take-off observers noted that the Synfuel powered engine produced no smoke while the JP8 power engines belched out the black trail of smoke common to jet engines during take-off. Not only had the Air Force found a new fuel but it had the added benefit of greatly reducing pollution.

Air Force tests have shown that they rely on Synfuel from coal to safely fuel all their engines, but the Synfuel can also do it better. Tests have proven that the Synfuel burns far cleaner, has more energy per gallon, and is cheaper than petroleum fuels. In fact, it will save billions in taxpayer dollars. There are no negatives to the changeover. The Air Force plans to be 100% Synfuel powered by 2011.

A thinking legislative body would see the wisdom of converting the airline industry from petroleum to Synfuel. That action alone would reduce oil imports by more than the disastrous Ethanol program will ever accomplish. And it offers the added advantage of reducing the pollution created by the commercial airlines by more than 70%. Biofuels like Ethanol actually increase pollutants.

The Synfuel substitutes for gasoline and diesel fuel offer the same benefits for the rest of our transportation needs. Again, a thinking…..Well we can forget that!

A thinking Congress is an Oxymoron!


Anonymous said...

It would seem that a thinking Congress would have the whole Green House gas and imported oil issue resolved bt 2011.

But it would require a "Thinking" Congress. That is an issue that may never be resolved.

Anonymous said...

Thinking Congress is an oxymoron!

Actually Congress has many more than it's share of morons so maybe it is just moronic to think they would think.

Government should be run like a business and if it was, the board of directors we now have (Congress) would be long gone!


Anonymous said...

If this Congress did absolutely nothing, they would do more good than are doing now.

The best thing they can do is to quit mucking things up, get the heck out of the way, and let Capialism do its thing!