Thursday, February 28, 2008

That Explains It!

I heard someone call a talk show and ask, “How do idiots like Pelosi, Reid, Kennedy, and Murtha keep getting elected?”

Then I read two reports that said that the average Democrat voter had an IQ of 100 or less!

Do you have any more question?


Anonymous said...

I'm in Massachusetts and I keep voting to defeat our W. C. Fields look-a-like but he keeps getting back. I thought that he was buying off a lot of voters.

Now I can chalk it up to low IQ of my neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Here in Maryland we have what is for all intents and purposes a one party system. That party being Democrat. At least 1/2 of the Republican voters register as Democrats so that they at least have a say in who will be the next elected official.

As a result we have had two of the most useless Senators in all of Congress. Sarbanes has now retired but his replacement is Sarbanes lite.

I fear that Maryland (California East) is what we see in National elections after 2008.

Anonymous said...

I think those two reports may have been a little bit "generous" in their findings or there was an inadvertent zero added to the high number in printing that the edit didn't catch!