Friday, February 29, 2008

Obama, Managing To Sound Stupid!

Barack Hussein Obama does well when working from a prepared script, but off script he looks to be rather stupid,

In an exchange of indirect quips, just a few days ago he made error after error. He started the exchange by stating that he would began withdrawing the troops from Iraq just as soon as he took office. (That is to say that, he will surrender). A reporter asked him what he would do if Al Qaeda activity threatened the stability in Iraq.

Obama answered that, “If Al Qaeda move into Iraq, he reserves the right to protect America from any threat.” And then he indicated that he might consider a reinvasion of Iraq.

Reserved the right? Does he not understand that a President takes an oath to defend the nation and its citizen’s? That makes it his duty. You can’t reserve the right to do your duty!

Furthermore, it shows that he has no concept of fighting a war. A reinvasion will cost many lives and it cost a huge amount of money just moving resources back into the Middle East.

John McCain pointed out that Al Qaeda was already in Iraq.

Obama retorted that Al Qaeda was not in Iraq until McCain and Bush invaded. (What about Hillary and all the other Democrats that voted to go to war?). That statement is first and foremost false. However, it does indicate that Obama knows that Al Qaeda is in Iraq, yet he plans to withdraw, knowing that we will have to go back.

On the other hand, if it were a true statement, it would indicate that George W. Bush is one of the greatest military minds of all times. He managed to draw all the Al Qaeda forces into a fight of our choosing, at a location of our liking, and kept them bogged down there. As a result, they have been unable to attack us here at home. Even the several attacks that Al Qaeda has managed to mount against European nations have been relatively feeble.

For some reason, Obama would prefer that Al Qaeda resumes attacking Americans at home.

And that is the stupidest idea of all!.


Anonymous said...

It seems that all Obama stands for is "CHANGE".

I want to know what and how the "CHANGE" will be.

I do get the feeling after his "CHANGE" all we will have left is pocket change!

Anonymous said...

I am career military. U.S. Army.

My unit has had three tours in Iraq. We are proud of what we have accomplished there.

There is a large number of us that will not be happy campers if some SOB politician surrenders.

And a pullout is a surrender!