Monday, March 10, 2008

California Court of Appeal, "Home Schooling is Illegal"

The California Court of Appeals (2/28/2008) ruled, in a juvenile court proceeding, that almost all forms of home schooling in California are in violation of state law. (Certified teachers may still home school.) In addition, the court ruled that parents possess no constitutional right to home school their children.

While this ruling only negatively affects those California students whose parents were able to remove their children from the State provided daycare, jokingly called public education, it concerns the rest of us because what happens in California usually creeps over the rest of the nation like a plague.

What reason do any of us have to believe that "Certified Teachers" can actually teach?

Every year we hear of cases where large numbers of newly graduated 'teachers' cannot pass the standard teacher's exam. The solution is always to lower the standard and 'certify' these rejects!

National competitions, such as the Spelling Bee, are dominated by the home schooled.

International competitions demonstrate that American schools excel accept where it counts. We're near the bottom, if not dead last, in Math, Science, Geography, and History. Hell, our students can't even locate North America on a map!

Isn't it about time that we made the state board's of education prove that their "Certified" teachers can actually teach?

Isn't it time that the teacher's colleges required their students to take more than 4 hours of Math or English or Chemistry or Geography or History etc. to be certified as a teacher in those fields?

One last question--Why is it that ALL major universities, including the Ivy League schools are actively competing for Home schooled graduates? Perhaps because the Home schooled are better educated, thus improving the quality of their Freshman class.


Anonymous said...

As of now, every child in California faces 12 years without the possibility of parole !

Anonymous said...

It appears the left coast has once again shown the extent of it's educational knowledge.
It's no wonder we are raising a country of somewhat less than smart high school graduates. I guess the powers that control education in California need the cobwebs dusted from their brains.

Anonymous said...

I was a Public school teacher for nearly 20 years.

I quit to take a position in a Parochial school at 2/3 the money.

But at least I could get back to actually teaching.

I encourage home schooling at every opportunity.