Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Turning The Table

The Consumer Product Safety Commission bill is supposed to provide increased safety in children's products, with improved compliance screening. It also is said to improve the effectiveness of consumer product recall programs. It has strong support among public advocates because of recent occurrences of lead paints on toys from China.

The bill will strengthen federal whistle-blower protections. It would fine employers who take action against an employee who reported what that employee believed was a violation of CPSC laws or regulations.

That part is potentially good. The rest of the bill is a mess, with all kinds measures that will harm businesses.

One such measure will set up a web site on which, anonymous persons may post accusations and complaints against any business. This is ripe for abuse! It does not require much imagination to visualize trade unions, competitors, and disgruntled employees smearing innocent companies on this forum.

This does give us food for thought.

If Congress thinks this a good idea, why not set up a site where totally anonymous citizens can tell us about Congressional conduct?

Just think of how much we could learn!

For Example:
One of Pelosi’s many illegal alien employees might reveal the below scale wages or about working excessive hours. Or maybe, she doesn’t pay taxes.
A waitress on Capitol Hill might report how Kennedy groped her. It is remotely possible that Ted could be reported as having been seen sober.
Someone might give the details about how Murtha has setup shill corporations using earmarks.

The possibilities are endless.

You can bet that they would try to shut such a site down in a heartbeat!


Anonymous said...

I love the idea of a Congressional site!

Anonymous said...

Talk about whistle blowing--WOW!

There are a ton of crooks in Congress that might be ruined by such a site.

I bet the FBI would be regular readers.

Anonymous said...

Get the Congressional misdeeds site setup ASAP!

I have something to report!

Ted Kennedy pumped his oil contaminated bilge into the pristine waters of the sea by his home. This is in direct violation of Federal Martine law.

A local news photographer has documented it!

This the same Ted Kennedy that opposed wind mills that would interfere with his view of the horizon.

Who opposes drilling for oil because there is a remote chance that the activity might cause damage.

Go get his fat Orca ass, Cost Guard!

Anonymous said...

I think this idea has more merit than the great majority of those who claim that they are serving our country while in Congress.

Go get'em!