Wednesday, February 20, 2008

John McCain And Gaining Support Of Conservative Voters

Our emails and conversations have been almost exclusively about John McCain and what he can do to gain support from Conservatives.

Most agree that if McCain could erase the past seven years, they would gladly support him for election to the Presidency. But as most see it, John McCain was bitter over his defeat in 2000 and decided to punish George W. Bush or the Republican Party or both. Either way he is seen as a traitor to conservative and Republican values. They are not going to forgive him for that.

McCain did not extend a hand of cooperation across the isle. He jumped ship and spit in our eye!

Fortunately, for McCain both Hillary Clinton and Barak Hussein Obama are seen as undesirable. Most Conservatives realize that at a minimum, either of these Socialist Democrat’s will pretty much leave the nation in economic shambles after their term in office. Likely, also smoldering from terrorist attacks.

A substantial number of the real Conservatives understand that no matter what, they have to be pragmatic and support John McCain over the Democrat alternative.

Most Conservatives indicate that if McCain really understood and pledged to support the Conservative approach to illegal immigration, they would at least vote for him.

McCain has stated that he understands, “Seal the borders first!” WRONG!!

The pledge that Conservatives want from John McCain is:

1. Seal the borders
2. Enforce employment laws—punish employers that hire even one illegal.
3. NO AMNESTY! None, Zero, Zilch, not by any name!

The observation from here is that John McCain can give himself a fighting chance by taking the pledge, or he can throw it all away and screw himself for the screwing he gave GW and the Republican Party for the past seven years.

So what’s it going to be McCain, will you take the pledge or go out playing the fool?


Anonymous said...

His pledge had better sound believable!

I want to be able to vote for him because I don't want that socialist liar, Obama.

Anonymous said...

I could not have said it any better myself! McCain is smart enough to know that IF he plays our game in most areas, most of the Conservatives will come around and support him.

He does have a chance to win 11/04/2008 if he plays the right cards. There are independants and cross over Democrats who will swell the Republican Presikdential votes because of their dislike, disgust and distrust of Clinton and Obama. All the votes Obama received in the primaries and caucuses thus far have NOT been for Obama. Many have been against Hillary.

Check out my blog sometime:

Thanx for allowing me to post!


Anonymous said...

Isn't it ashamed that again voters will likely have to choose between the best of the worst? Your article states that, "Most Conservatives realize that at a minimum, either of these Socialist Democrat’s will pretty much leave the nation in economic shambles after their term in office." Isn't that the way who ever takes the office next will find the economy? This country needs a LEADER, some one who will ask the appropriate questions and make appropriate decisions. A good leader would have asked, “Where are the weapons of mass destruction?” and then told the military to first get some troops in to secure them. A good leader would have asked, “What’s going on with this housing market?” and done something to end the unaffordable mortgages. A good leader would have asked about the economy running on personal credit and done something to avert the countries next financial crisis. A good leader asks the questions necessary for forward thinking and action. This country has experienced and is experiencing the results of a reactionary government.

McCain is no leader, he is a short sighted maverick shooting from the hip with no vision for the country. McCain's claim to fame is that he stifled a deal that Boeing and the Air force crafted to provide tankers on a lease plan claiming that Boeing was over charging. While there apparently was some sort of collusion no malicious intentions were identified and the deal was fair. I venture to say that McCain’s short sighted thinking will have cost the tax payers many tens of billions of dollars when all the procurement dust settles and the tankers are delivered.

Obama and Hillary have visions for the country they just can’t properly finance them. An Obama/Hillary ticket would be unbeatable by any of the current players.

Ron Paul would probably be the best for the country.

Watch Dog said...

Thank for your comments.

Your remarks were more than can be addressed in the comments section, but let me hit the major points.

Unfortunately, true leaders are few and far between. This nation was blessed in its beginning because we had several such men to get the ball rolling.

After the founding fathers died off only two come to mind, Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan.

No President has power over Credit, or any specific aspect of the economy. The President, any President, can do nothing with out the support of Congress. It is Congress that levy's or cuts taxes, spends the money and generates laws and regulations.

The mortgage crisis was largely created my Congress. They demanded that the credit industry find away to issue home loans to the 'poor' or face stiff regulation. In response they found away.

As for the pro's and con's of the next President.

Those visions that you speak of --

The Democrats will grant amnesty.
Turn your elections over to aliens (studies indicate that 3,000,000 will vote in the 2008 election).
Enact Nation healthcare, eventually destroying everyone's healthcare
Pull out of Iraq which will cut off OPEC oil from the U.S. and Europe. This action will lead to future terrorist attacks within the U.S.
The rest of their visions arte also stupid, unaffordable crap!

Ron Paul's big claim was to return to the Constitution. That is a wonderful desire and I support it. But Congress will never willing give back the powers that they have stolen from the people.

Ron Paul, unfortunately, is wrong on many of his Constitution interptations. The major one was his claim of an illegal war.
Clearly explained at