Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Finally! -- Some pride in America

Michelle Obama confessed, that for the very first time she was proud of her country.

Since she and her husband belong to a church that requires an Oath of Allegiants to Africa and preaches hatred for America, we will have to assume that she means the U.S. is the country to which she was referring.

Are we to believe that this woman that grew-up in a one room apartment, yet managed to not only attend, but to graduate from both Harvard and Princeton, claims that she could find nothing to be proud of in the nation that made that possible.

Is she not proud of a Nation that is the most charitable in the world? Was she not proud of the outstanding response that America made on behalf of the Tsunami victims? Is she not proud of the millions of African's that America has saved? Is she not proud of the millions of lives saved through American pharmaceuticals? Is she not proud of the American's that have given their lives saving other here and abroad? There are hundreds of other things that real American's can take pride in, but you get the picture.

One can only speculate, but perhaps this is why her husband Barack Hussein Obama refuses to wear an American Flag lapel pin. Perhaps it is why he will not recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, or place his hand over his heart while others recite the Pledge. and perhaps that is why he exhibits the same behavior with the National Anthem.

If the Obama's can not find pride in America, I don't want to see the changes that he will make so that he can be proud.


Anonymous said...

I have been wondering for a very long time when someone was going to ask about that church.

I have grave doubts about this guy and where his loyalty really lies.

And now we see it runs in the family.

Anonymous said...

The Rev. Jerimiah Wright from the church in Chicago that the Obama family attends resigned his post a week or so ago.
This man was almost a legend in thye Chicago area (I live there) in his this/close to preaching about black power and black supremacy. It is a huge congregation that numbers in the thousands and he was "Obama's spritual advisor"

I have to ask the same question as FRES E. raised in his second paragraph of his comment.

I think Michelle Obama has some explaining to do about her comment. I think it has to do with the country being so willing to follow a black man. If Obama was not African-American, he would not even be in the race now. Thaink about it!


Anonymous said...

Mrs Obama clarified her statement today!

Guess what, she made it clear that the first two statements were not mistakes.