Friday, February 15, 2008

Pelosi And Friend's Place Nation In Peril!

If you had any doubt that Democrats would fail this nation in the ‘War on Terror’, doubt no more.

In a despicable act, the House of Representatives, led by the less than honorable Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has let the FISA Act lapse.

The terrorist can now freely communicate via telephone without any fear of being wiretapped.

When the next attack comes, without warning, we won’t need a Congressional investigation to place the blame. It will rest squarely on the shoulders of the Democrat majority in the 110th House of Representatives.

If the voters of the U.S. want to survive the War on Terror, they had better dump the House Democrats in 2008 the same way that they dumped the House Republicans in 2006.

One of the measures that were included in the FISA Act was to protect telecommunications companies from law suits for providing information requested by the FBI. These suits serve two purposes. The first is to intimidate the telecommunications companies so that they will not assist in protecting us. The second reason is to place billions of dollars into the pockets of trial lawyers.

There is little doubt that the millions of dollars that the trial lawyers gave to Democrats in the House have paid off. Polosi received many thousands in campaign contributions from lawyers involved in suing the telecom’s.

There is reason to believe that the 110th Congress, the Madam Pelosi, and a host of other members of this Congress have sold out to the terrorists and to trial lawyers.

The Democrats have won this battle in their War on America!


Anonymous said...

This is simply disgraceful!

This is what you get when you seek change for the sake of change.

So many didn't vote in 2006, inorder to send a message.

Well guess what? We got change and that change is giving us the business!

Anonymous said...

What else can we expect from those more worried (the Democrats in Congress) about offending the terrorist s than saving the lives of our own people.

Vote them out in November!


Anonymous said...

I pray that they have no futher victories and that this one does not result in the end of us all.