Monday, February 11, 2008

Voting For Survival

Conservatism is about a lot more and important issues than who is the next President!

There is no argument that John McCain simply sucks as a representative of conservatism, but it looks like a choice that we are stuck with. He is however, a far better choice than either Obama or Clinton.

At this moment in time, it appears that the Democrats will have control of both the Senate and the House of Representatives. If they also have the White House, the future of our nation and perhaps the entire world are in jeopardy.

Both Democrat candidates promise a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq, perhaps even Afghanistan. A withdrawal from Iraq is likely to further destabilize the entire Middle- East. The oil fields will fall into terrorists hand or the terrorists will take other steps to interrupt the flow of oil to the U.S., Europe, perhaps even China. This would throw the economy of the entire western world into chaos. The Congress might at that point pull their heads out of their collective asses and enact some sensible energy policies, like use our own vast oil reserves, promoting the conversion of coal to synfuels, and dumping Ethanol, but it will take decades to recover and with a totally collapsed economy, how will we finance it? Europe probably would never recover. Controlling the oil may well be the key to world dominance for the Muslim terrorists. This is a fact that seems lost on the Democrats, but not on Osama and friends. Clearly, McCain is a winner on this very important issue.

Domestically, both Barack and Hillary promise Universal Healthcare. Their approaches are different but the end result is the same. Poor healthcare for all! Remember that socialism always brings all individuals down to the same level of misery. In the long run, it never improves anything. The cost will be so high that it will consume most of the national budget, reducing or eliminating many other programs. Taxes for some may reach 70% to 90% of income! And all this based on a phony need so that American’s become more dependant on a central government. McCain is clearly the better choice.

Clinton, McCain and Obama all support amnesty for illegal aliens! This is very bad! Democrats support amnesty because they also support voting by illegal aliens, that also being why, as a party, they support drivers licenses for illegal aliens (ever hear of motor voter registration?). Several studies suggest the illegal vote will reach or exceed 3,000,000 for the 2008 election. Imagine the advantage the Democrats will have with 20 million illegal voters? Can anyone say nation lost? So, why does John McCain support amnesty?

Then there are Constitutional issues—

Clinton and Obama support the Fairness Doctrine which is solely intended to keep conservative issues off the airways. This, of course, is another major restriction on the Constitutional guaranty of free speech.

Two, perhaps as many as three new judges to the Supreme Court are expected to be appointed by the next President. John McCain supports judges that adhere to the Constitution. Hillary and Barack do not!

You can also be certain that if Democrats hold the Executive and Legislative Branches that the Second Amendment will be gutted. If the Supreme Courts rules this summer, that the 2nd Amendment is an absolute right, they have plans to ban ammunition. One way or another they will take guns away from the citizenry. McCain has a very good record of defending the Second Amendment.

McCain has a mixed record in defense of human life but he has been an opponent of Abortion. Hillary and Obama would make it a part of Universal Healthcare.

There are many more issues, but we have touched on the major ones.

We can agree the John McCain is not a Conservative. Hell, he is not even a good Republican. But at least with him at the helm, we had some chance at a tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I think this changes my mind!!

I was going to skip voting for the next President, rather than vote for Mac.

This makes some real sense.

Anonymous said...

But what about Dr. Dobson's pride.

Thatis what really appears to be his major hang-up.

No one will be supported by Dobson, unless he gets to name them himself.

Anonymous said...

McCain is what we are going to have. The Conservatives that ran are gone. McCain is changing his tack on some issues. He has always been in favor of a vigorous campaign to fight terrorism and he was one of the main backers of the SURGE in Iraq. He has pledged to continue Bush tax cuts. His immigration policy has gone to control the border first. If we hold him to his promises and push him to the RIGHT it can work. In addition to getting McCain elected, we MUST get and maintain a control of Congress starting in Election 2008.

Thanks for letting me post!


Anonymous said...

Over the years, we in France and all of our neighbor countries drifted slowly to Socialism.

We lost control of nearly everything. Our governments are bankrupt, young people won't work, populations are in decline, immigrants in many cases are in control, and we live in fear that approaches how I felt as a child before you American's saved us in WW-2.

Now we are trying to recover and it is much harder to move back from socialism than it was to get here.

I pray that this election so not throw America into socialism. We need America to be a Super Power!

You are the only hope for the rest of us.