Saturday, April 26, 2008

Three Stooge's

We are just seven months away from the General election which will determine the next President of the United States and we find ourselves limited to three terrible choices as the remaining candidates.

The Democrats offer two Socialist’s who promise to bankrupt the nation with idiotic give away programs. They promise free education, free healthcare, free welfare for all, and claim that it will be paid for by taxing the rich and taxing big corporations until they move off shore or close all together. Their front runner is such an empty suit that just to mention his name or raise a question about his associations brings charges of racism.

The Republicans offer us John McCain. To paraphrase John Kerry, Sen. McCain could make the claim, “I was a Republican before I was a Democrat”. McCain’s Senate voting record prior to 2000 was conservative; however after 2000 his record is almost as liberal as Hillary’s.

One could make a pretty solid case that as soon as he had the nomination locked up, McCain began running for the Democrat and Independent vote. It is certain that every time he opens his mouth in speech he alienates another segment of what was the Republican base.

The best argument that can be made on McCain’s behalf is that while he is a Democrat, he is not a Socialist; at least not yet!

We and others have in the past discussed the fact that it appears that since the election in 2000 McCain has gone out of his way to punish George W. Bush and the GOP because he was not elected to the Presidency. Could it be that he sees throwing this election to the Democrats as the coupe de grace of that realization


Anonymous said...

I belong to a Black Consevative Club.

Our mrmbeship is livid over John McCain being our only choice.

Anonymous said...

It would seem that he does not intend to run a competitive race.

He is throwing in the towel now.

He also said that Obama would make a great President.

What better endorsement than your opponent?

Anonymous said...

I don't agree that he was our only choice. He IS the only choice we have left. The Party did not do a very good job in promoting the candidates and many were under funded.
McCain was not my 1st choice nor my 2nd choice BUT he is my only choice now and I will support him because we can't afford the opposition.

I do not for a minute believe he is throwing in the towel or that he does not to be competitive. I do believe that he BETTER pick a strong Conservative V.P. for the next election as he will be a one term President. If the liberals keep chopping away at each other McCain will winn - not easily but he will win. They are doing some of his dirty work.


Anonymous said...

Everything is relative. These 3 candidates are alot better than the two previous elections. Bush, Kerry, Gore, Edwards? I'm a Dem and I'll take the 3 running today.

By the way - McCain is going to bankrupt the nation - check your numbers. And he will keep us in Iraq at least 10-20 years, invade Iran, and has saber-rattled China and Russia (China of all places). He is crazy. (Ask the Bush's who ran a campaign smearing him, spreading the word that McCain was nuts. I shock myself by agreeing with them).

Anonymous said...

Hammer- follow up on previous comments:

my blog is

real call sign is The Left. it's a site for Liberals AND Conservatives to go at it.