Monday, May 5, 2008

Obama Cannot Change His Stripes

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright has given several speeches that make it perfectly clear that nothing he has been accused of was taken out-of-context. He left no doubt that he hates America, and has hated America for a very long time.

One gets the feeling that the Reverend passionately believes every single lie that spews from his mouth as he slanders the United States.

Barak Obama has been a member of Wright’s congregation for at least 17 years. In an effort to remake his image, into one that might win an election, Obama has disavowed the Rev. Wright and his church.

But, Obama stayed in that church, was married in that church, and baptized his daughters in that church. Yet he would have you believe that he did not have the same far left anti-American views as were preached routinely within that church.

Both Wright and Obama have for many decades been pushing the far left agenda of victimization. Wright preached if from his pulpit; while Obama organized for the radical ACORN group, and he was a cohort of Bill Ayers (former Weatherman). Obama is also credited with having the most far left voting record in the U.S. Senate.

Jeremiah Wright is absolutely on target when he says that Obama is saying what he has to say as a Politian. Obama says what he thinks voters want to hear and not what he believes.

Both men are, in their own style, preaching the liberal lie that they are trying to help the poor, and the downtrodden. Both make false or distorted claims that the world and especially America has done them wrong. And neither man offers any hope that a better life can be obtained through hard work and determination.

Obama’s wife Michelle tells others that they should not waste their time on higher education, but should instead seek to volunteer to help in the community. Presumably, her fancy law degree and a $300,000/year income were a waste of her time and did not help her overcome her own victimization.

Obama like a tiger cannot change his stripes. He is now what he was a year ago. Neither Harry Reed’s charges of racism, nor the Mainstream Media’s lack of vetting can change or hide the facts.


Anonymous said...

Frankly, BO scares the hell out of me!

He talks change and his fans cheer. What kind of change does this racist, inexperienced fool have in mind?

It is very clear that he is a Socialist. He has a goal of taking away the money that every working person has and give it to those that don't work.

The result being that we are all living in squalor!

Anonymous said...

Many Europeans' have the belief and fear that your Barack Obama is really a

The teachings of this church that he has belonged to and attended for 20
years also sounds more Muslim than Christian. This serves only to reinforce our fears.

Your coming election might well determine the survival of Europe! We the people of Europe did not want Mrs. Clinton and we certainly do not want Barack Obama as the American President!

Anonymous said...

I am not sure Hernri is 100% correct but I am not a student of the Muslim religion either.
I think from what I have read that Wrights church is afro-centric and based from inception of a princilpe of black power.
Wright is a media whore the same as Jesse Jackson Sr and his tax dodging buddy, Al Sharpton.
Obama says the Wright thing is over lets forget it. I say it's not pver and Obama would like to forget it.
There is and has been Muslim influence in Obama's life and he cannot weazel out of that one. Recently Louis Farrakhan was being denounced for his endorsement of Obama BY Obama. If he was not pushed, would he have denied Farrakhan? I don't think so. How about Rezko and Company, no way.
Many skeletons and the bones are rattling.